RFC 6: Establish Additional Funding Mechanisms for GeoMoose


Dan “Ducky” Little





Last Updated:

30 November 2017


  • Establish financial controls for administering project funds.

  • Facilitate easy financial contributions to the GeoMoose project at all levels.

Implementation Tasks

  1. The PSC will select a fiscal agent by vote.

  2. Expenditure history will be tracked in a Git repository available to the PSC. The expenditure history should minimally include a summary of incoming funds, outgoing funds, and the voting record for expenditures.

  3. All disbursements of funds must be approved by a simple majority of the PSC.

  4. The PSC may reject/refund incoming funds by a simple majority vote.

  5. The PSC chair will be responsible for reporting and reconciling fund balance at regularly scheduled PSC meetings.

  6. The GeoMoose website will be updated to include information on how to contribute.

Voting History

20 July 2017: +1 from Bob Basques, Brian Fischer, Dan “Ducky” Little, Eli Adam, Jim Klassen

4 December 2017: Motion to establish SharedGeo as the GeoMoose project fiscal agent passed with +1 from Dan “Ducky” Little, Eli Adam, Brian Fischer, TC Haddad. Abstaining: Bob Basques, Jim Klassen.