RFC 2: GeoMoose Project Mission (What is GeoMoose)¶
- Author:
Eli Adam, Brent Fraser
- Contact:
eadam at …
- Status:
- Last Updated:
This document describes the GeoMoose Project Mission. The mission of GeoMoose is to provide a complete, easy to use web application, building on other OSGeo Projects where possible.
GeoMoose is a web mapping application that comes with a working demo that can be changed to work with your data.
GeoMoose offers an optional but often desirable server side component (MS/PHP for printing, buffer, other functions) which constitute a complete application.
GeoMoose is simple to install and flexible.
GeoMoose is modular and configurable (configuration is done by an XML control file).
GeoMoose is a framework including a rich, highly customizable API and web services architecture upon which you can build.
GeoMoose’s primary users are GIS professionals, server administrators, or system implementers. Most are not professional web programmers.
The GeoMoose project will use the website (http://geomoose.org) as a representation of the current status of the project including the mission, coding standards, documentation, FAQ, and other relevant information.
Observations (Why we need a Mission Statement)¶
Formally adopting a mission provides a good foundation from which to make GeoMoose project decisions.
Goals and objectives can be used as guidance when deciding to change features and which changes require RFCs
Stating clear goals and objectives makes them easily and widely accessible.
Clear goals and objectives will make it easy for potential users and developers to decide if they want to participate.
This also requires the existence of an FAQ that covers filing bugs, requesting enhancements, asking questions, contributing funding, other GeoMoose project operations, etc.
This formalizes some things that are mostly already covered on the website or informally established.
Voting History¶
Passed on 5/1/2012 with PSC +1 votes from Brian, Dan, Jim, Brent, and Eli