GeoMoose 3.6.0 Release Notes¶
Bug Fixes¶
Select behavior when defaulting to feature-select.
Startup services now set the state correctly and do not cause a refresh bug with coordinates in the URL hash.
New Features¶
i18n Support! Includes English and Spanish translation dictionaries. included
Buffer a result. This allows for buffering a specific result from a query for follow up work.
WMS are now scale-aware and will re-fetch the legend when the map zoom changes.
Multiple features can be selected from a layer using the shift key for services that allow selecting features from the map.
Added syntax to support a “list of likes” this allows searches to be configured to search multiple fields with multiple values with only partial term matching and ignores case.
Services can now be configured to zoom to their results automatically.
The Grid can now be configured to start minimized.
keepAlive setting has been restored to Select. This allows the user to keep drawing new polygons even after results have returned.
Drawing and Markup layer now supports feature labels
Added new plug-in architecture for advanced integrations.
Housecleaning and Maintenance¶
OpenLayers and React have both been upgraded to their most recent versions.
Unnecessary state has been removed from a number of components.
When removing state, many components were ported to being functional components and using hooks for better performance.
ol-mapbox-style has been upgraded instead of the old pinned version that was used internally.
Documentation for all of the above has been added!