GeoMoose 2 Release Procedure

Follow RFC 3: GeoMoose Release Process and this file

  • If not already created, create /releases/M.m.r.txt, summarizing changes from the previous release. It may help to look at the GitHub issues related to the release milestone and the git commit messages leading up to the release.
  • That file should include new features, changed features, and depreciated features. Changes to the mapbook should be specifically noted along with other items that will cause breaking changes during upgrades. A MapServer and MS4W version (and implicitly PHP, etc) recommendation should be included too.
  • Update VERSIONS.rst to explicitly define the versions of PHP and MapServer used during development. Recommendations on Apache and MS4W versions should also be present.
  • evaluate <mapbook version=”#.#”> in mapbook.xml
  • Read the documentation and remove outdated parts.
  • Update FAQ (remove no longer relevant questions, add new questions).
  • Ensure that release exactly matches something in Git. Tag and branch (then push) appropriately.
  • Update documentation as needed keeping in mind that the versioned documentation on the website pulls from different Git branches of geomoose-docs.
  • Update copyright headers to current date (not exactly sure how to do this easily yet…)
  • Publish the release:
    • Generate the distribution files (see below).
    • Update geomoose-website/source/downloads.rst with new links
    • Update the news in index.rst (link to /releases/M.m.r.txt), move some of the existing stuff to previous Older News if needed
    • Put the word out on geomoose-users email list and other locations (, SlashGeo?, etc)

Creating an Official Release

Example procedure:

# Make a local clean repo

git clone --recursive
cd geomoose

# Merge with the correct release branch

# Update Docs
cd docs
git pull
git checkout -b r2.7 origin/r2.7
git merge master

# conflict in source/
# Fix release conflict on line in source/
# and update version to 2.7.1
git add source/

# Update Configuration Docs
./ > source/docs/configuration.txt
git add source/docs/configuration.txt

git commit
git tag r2.7.1
git remote set-url --push origin
git push
git push --tags
cd ..

# Update JS
cd js
git pull
git checkout -b r2.7 origin/r2.7
git merge master
# Update version in geomoose.html and geomoose_dev.html
# HTML->Title, Footer
git add geomoose.html geomoose_dev.html
git commit -m 'Bump version number to 2.7.1"
git tag r2.7.1
git remote set-url --push origin
git push
git push --tags
cd ..

# Update Services
cd services
git pull
git checkout -b r2.7 origin/r2.7
git merge master
git tag r2.7.1
git remote set-url --push origin
git push
git push --tags
cd ..

# Update Demo

git pull
git checkout -b r2.7 origin/r2.7
git merge master
git add docs js services
# Update version in ms4w/Apache/htdocs/geomoose2.pkg.html
git add ms4w/Apache/htdocs/geomoose2.pkg.html
# Evaluate if version in Mapbook needs to be updated
git add conf/mapbook.xml
git commit -m 'Update for 2.7.1'
git tag r2.7.1
git push
git push --tags

### Update Build Bot (on

### Update Demo and "Binary builds/downloads"

# if this is a new branch
 cd /srv/demo/html
 ln -s ../src/$BRANCH $BRANCH

 cd /srv/demo/src
 git clone --recursive $BRANCH
 git checkout r$BRANCH
 git submodule update --recursive --init

 # cd /srv/demo
 # copy build* to build*-$
 # edit build*-$ to point to new version
 # edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled RewriteRules for new branch
# end if this is a new branch

cd /srv/demo
# Update version in zip filename at end of
# Update version at beginning of

# Update the Demo, and build new release packages
# Check downloads for correctness

### Update Docs
# Nothing to do for existing branch.
# For a new branch
cd /srv/docs/src
git clone $BRANCH
git checkout r$BRANCH

cd /srv/docs/src/ntdocs
git clone $BRANCH
git checkout r$BRANCH

# Update /srv/docs/ to build the branch.
# - Only auto build master and supported stable branch
#   as others shouldn't change
# Update /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/docs to default to new branch RewriteRule

### Back on local machine

# Update Website NEWS and Downloads
git clone
cd geomoose-website/source
# Add announcement to news.rst
# Add release notes in releases/$VERSION.rst based on tickets closed
# Update downloads.rst
git push

Example support scripts as used on the server


cd /srv/demo/src/2.7

# Update to latest verion
(cd js && git checkout -- geomoose.html)
git pull --recurse-submodules=yes
git submodule update --recursive --init

# Make sure link for PHP is in place
cd js
ln -s ../services/php .

# Build JavaScript
cd libs

# Update title to include ref (master only)
#cd ../..
#HEAD=g$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
#sed -i -e "s/\(<title>\)\(.*\)\(<\/title>\)/\1\2 ($HEAD)\3/" js/geomoose.html

# Make distribution packages


cd /srv/demo/src/2.7


# Make temp working directory for packaging.
mkdir -p "${PKG_DIR}"

# Copy GeoMoose components into the apps directory.
mkdir -p "${APP_DIR}"

cp -vr conf         ${APP_DIR}/conf
cp -vr docs         ${APP_DIR}/sphinx-docs
cp -vr maps         ${APP_DIR}/maps
cp -vr js           ${APP_DIR}/htdocs

rm ${APP_DIR}/htdocs/php # Replace php symlink with real thing
cp -vr services/php ${APP_DIR}/htdocs/php

cp -v ${APP_DIR}/README.txt

# Setup the default configuration
cp -v ${APP_DIR}/conf/unix_local_settings.ini ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/conf/local_settings.ini

# Compress JS libraries (only needed for dev)
( cd ${APP_DIR}/htdocs/libs && \
  tar czvf OpenLayers.tgz OpenLayers && rm -rf OpenLayers && \
  tar czvf dojo.tgz dojo && rm -rf dojo && \
  tar czvf proj4js.tgz proj4js && rm -rf proj4js \

git rev-parse --short HEAD > ${APP_DIR}/RELEASE_VERSION.txt

# Cleanup Extra Files
find ${PKG_DIR} -name '.git' -exec rm '{}' ';'
find ${PKG_DIR} -name '*.in' -exec rm '{}' ';'

# Create the TGZ file
( cd "${PKG_DIR}" && \
  tar czvf geomoose-${VERSION}.tar.gz geomoose-${VERSION} && \
  mv geomoose-${VERSION}.tar.gz /srv/www/downloads/geomoose-${VERSION}.tar.gz

# Cleanup after ourselves
rm -rf "${PKG_DIR}"


cd /srv/demo/src/2.7


# Make temp working directory for packaging.
mkdir -p "${PKG_DIR}"

# Build the Base MS4W directory structure.
rm -rf "${PKG_DIR}"/ms4w
cp -vr ms4w "${PKG_DIR}"

# Copy GeoMoose components into the apps directory.
mkdir -p "${MS4W_APP_DIR}"

cp -vr conf         ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/conf
cp -vr docs         ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/sphinx-docs
cp -vr maps         ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/maps
cp -vr js           ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/htdocs

rm ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/htdocs/php # Replace php symlink with real thing
cp -vr services/php ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/htdocs/php

cp -v ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/README.txt

# Setup the default configuration
cp -v ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/conf/ms4w_local_settings.ini ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/conf/local_settings.ini

# Compress JS libraries (only needed for dev)
( cd ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/htdocs/libs && \
  zip -r OpenLayers && rm -rf OpenLayers && \
  zip -r dojo && rm -rf dojo && \
  zip -r proj4js && rm -rf proj4js \

git rev-parse --short HEAD > ${MS4W_APP_DIR}/RELEASE_VERSION.txt

# Cleanup Extra Files
find ${PKG_DIR} -name '.git' -exec rm '{}' ';'
find ${PKG_DIR} -name '*.in' -exec rm '{}' ';'

# Create the ZIP file
( cd "${PKG_DIR}" && \
  zip -r ms4w && \
  mv /srv/www/downloads/

# Cleanup after ourselves
rm -rf "${PKG_DIR}"